Sunday, January 4, 2009

Hey Thanks Utah!

It was a real blast once again. The two feet of snow was pretty nice, and all those wonderful people were aight too.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

umm...yep sorry I haven't posted I've been doing lots of learning in size 3 font lately.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

So I started school on Friday. This is a pretty good illustration of how I felt the morning before my first day.It all turned out alright, and the kids are real nice. The school even gave me a little coat that makes me look like "almost a doctor." In other news, my oldest bestest "brother from another mother" came to visit from NYC. We did some people watching at Venice Beach and then went to Malibu to surf. It was awesome. I surfed with my favorite Beastie Boy. I'll give you a hint he's the "ladies choice." There were other less interesting famous people as well. whatever. This is a re-enactment of my recent future. I hope you feel as confused as I do.

Friday, July 25, 2008

flip-flops vs. slippers vs. clackers

So, lately I've received a lot of flack about the word "flip-flops." Apparently everyone who thinks they have any naming rights to the aforementioned footwear calls them "slippers." Now, now, don't get all up in a huff my fellow 'mericans. I decided to do some thorough internet research to settle this debate once and for all.

A google image search of the word "slippers" yielded 83% actual slippers, and 17% australian/hawaiian "slippers" aka "flip-flops." It also yielded this...

Meanwhile, a google image search for "flip-flops" yeilded 95% actual flip-flops and one unpostable picture of a foot rash.

However the reason I am posting this is that today, while walking, I realized maybe those Ausies were right. My flip-flops didn't seem to be audibly "flip-flopping." Indeed there was some "flip-flop" action but, you know, I always thought it was named after the sound. And, the noise they were making was more of a "clack" or a "thwack". The sound had a negative air suck quality to it that "flip-flop" doesn't quite cover. Clearly "slippers" would be a poor substitute. Being the diplomat that I am, I propose another resolution to this debate. Perhaps we can call them "clackers" or "thwackers" or some alternate name that onomatopoeia-izes
(sorry OED) this versatile footwear. Suggestions?

This just in...the cutest lil' one has been found.

If that didn't make you smile you might want to go get your cabezon checked. Indonesia was awesome. Surfing, snorkeling, eating, and slapping high fives were all "bagus" (good). I'm sure you will hear plenty about it, so that's the Indo post, short and sweet.

Monday, June 23, 2008


Hey folks! You won't see me being creepy on the internet so much because I'm heading here for the month!!

over and out.

San Francisco to Santa Cruz

The next day we checked out San Francisco. Heidi got this really cool portrait taken of her by her friend Jen.

I walked around the Mission with my new friend Dave from my Israel trip. Note: this is mr. pickle not Dave.

Then we high-tailed it out San Fran and headed to Santa Cruz to stay with T-bone. For those of you who don't know T-bone he is a real neat guy whose interests include bicycles, hot yoga, and surfing. Sorry ladies, a jew already got to him. We presented him with these gifts.
We checked the surf and then went out for a bike ride and tacos at the Palomar.
Heidi played the photo/video trick on T-bone.

Then T-bone did a trick on his bicycle for us.

One of the coolest things that happened in Santa Cruz was that we went to a Bikram Yoga class. The bone said that there were people of all shapes and sizes there but it turns out Bikram is about a bunch of hot chicks sweating real hard with a very small amount of clothing on. No wonder he likes it so much. I thought it was really awesome too, not because of the babes though. The second day we were there T-bone's friends came into to town. They were all really cool especially the little one. He's got a bright future of melting hearts ahead of him.

At some point I made Heidi do this.

The surf was really small in Santa Cruz, but Heidi and I had a lot of fun being in sunny California. Santa Cruz was awesome as per usual. Thanks again T-bone!