Sunday, August 10, 2008

So I started school on Friday. This is a pretty good illustration of how I felt the morning before my first day.It all turned out alright, and the kids are real nice. The school even gave me a little coat that makes me look like "almost a doctor." In other news, my oldest bestest "brother from another mother" came to visit from NYC. We did some people watching at Venice Beach and then went to Malibu to surf. It was awesome. I surfed with my favorite Beastie Boy. I'll give you a hint he's the "ladies choice." There were other less interesting famous people as well. whatever. This is a re-enactment of my recent future. I hope you feel as confused as I do.


baughtronic said...

She's on it!

Kayelyn said...

Listen, I'm new to blogging and don't know how to add you? Help a sista out, yo.